Sunday, February 17, 2013


Three Thousand Words

I have sent out more than half of the lettered copies of Tallest Stories to those kind people who bought them; but clearly I am still taking more time with this task than I should. I apologise and will attempt to speed up my parcel-making activities next week. I did all the easiest orders first; so those readers who also bought The Smell of Telescopes have had to wait longer because making a double parcel is harder and I need to send those orders in boxes rather than envelopes. I agree that this is an unfair way to proceed and apologise for the delay.

While talking about this book, I would like to mention that the magnificent Des Lewis is currently conducting a 'real time review' of Tallest Stories; and I am delighted by this. It is unfolding right here, day by day. Des is an authentic hero of literature; there really is no other word adequate to describe him.

More necessary apologies: this time for the delay in getting the ebook of the Winter Issue of Sein und Werden ready. I have been very busy lately and quite disorganised. Needless to say, this project is still going ahead. I just need to shift up a gear. The print issue is already available and all contributors should be getting their copies soon, if they haven't received them already (some have).

After a slow start to 2013 in terms of writing new fiction, I seem to have got back into the swing of things; and my rate of production has returned to a reasonable and useful level. I am currently writing stories intended for various anthologies and a possible new 'gothicky' collection to be released at the end of 2015 (yes, it pays to plan ahead).

An amusing and talented Portuguese gentleman by the name of Paulo Brito has recently been engaged in some interesting and entertaining capers involving my twelve self-published ebooks. More about this in a future blog post; but in the meantime here are some paintings that he has manipulated. They say that "a picture is worth a thousand words". Following such logic, this blog post is 3300 words long.

Paulo has produced other playful visuals in this vein and claims to want to create more. I look forward to seeing what his quirky (and slightly sinister) imagination comes up with...

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