Monday, March 04, 2013


Ebooks Incarnate!

A fine fellow and Grand Knight of the Order of Whimsy by the name of Paulo Brito has used some sort of alchemy to turn no less than eleven of my ebooks into real chapbooks that don't require electricity in order to be read! Here they are, all together, on the same bed...

They are as follows: Tucked Away in Aragon (cover by me); Fables of Rhysop (covered designed by me in collusion with Adele Whittle); Flash in the Pantheon (cover by a bonafide weirdo); The World Idiot (cover by Kendal Obermeyer); Rhysop's Return (cover by me); The Sticky Situations of Zwicky Fingers (cover by Chris Harrendence); The Further Fangs of Suet Pudding (cover by Gonzalo Canedo); Young Tales of the Old Cosmos (cover also by Gonzalo); Ten Tributes to Calvino (cover by Brankica Bozinovska); The Mermaid Variations (cover by Adele Whittle); Facets of Faraway (cover arranged from various of Adele's artworks).

Paulo has agreed to make and sell these for anyone who is interested. He is currently working out prices, taking into account materials and postage; and when he gets back to me with this information I will blog about it here... Please note that I am going to try to sell two (or maybe three) of them to publishers and if I'm successful in this endeavour then they won't be available as chapbooks. Also note that The Tellmenow Isitsöornot is far too long to be turned into a chapbook; it's possible that Paulo might turn it into a hardback book instead, but whether it will be available in this form to the reading public is currently unknown...

My ebooks are all available as ebooks (rather than chapbooks) on Amazon or from Smashwords...

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