Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Some Stringently Strange Blurbs

Only SIX DAYS left to order The Abnormalities of Stringent Strange. After that, it will be impossible to order the signed limited-edition novel from Meteor House. So get your orders in now!

What They Have Said So Far...

"Dive into this deliciously daft dose of dastardly doings and dire dangers of doom, detailing the daring deeds of a demi-gorilla Dan Dare of 1930s (d)aeronautics, danged delightful and diverting. For the deaf: describes some detonations. Rhys Hughes outDoes himself. As surreal as Roberto Quaglia´s Paradoxine!! says Dan Datsun, I mean Ian Watson..." -- Ian Watson

"The Abnormalities of Stringent Strange adroitly moves in and out of the shadows of the absurd while shedding light on human nature, the perverse constraints of reason -- and literature! There's a lot to appreciate in this work, which is like a hot air balloon (or, truer yet, zeppelin) that lifts the reader above the tumultuous wilderness of the human condition the better to survey where we are. Though tongue firmly in cheek, this work affirms old Freud's dictum, 'There's nothing more serious than a joke.'" -- A.A. Attanasio

"Harry Stephen Keeler. Lester Dent. Ray Cummings. Neil R. Jones. Jeff Lint. In his latest neuron-warping metanovel, Rhys Hughes has surpassed all these illustrious predecessors in that noble lineage of wall-eyed, demented, scoop-brained scientifiction. Or rather, he has become all these men. And perhaps several women, cats, robots and apes well. I can't say for sure, since I am still respooling my altered DNA after being swept up in the time-leaping, space-annihilating adventures of hybrid hero "Stringy" Strange and cyborg'd Professor Crinkle. Together, they succeed in making Alan Moore's Tom Strong look like Doc Savage in a tutu attempting to mime the theft of Philip K. Dick's android head. And you just can't beat that!" -- Paul Di Filippo  

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